OCT 2023: Abracadabra, who are Alexis & Kelz, and it's closed!

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: October 2023


Abracadabra, who are Alexis and Kelz, and it's closed:
The Magic of the Cook Up, new additions to our team, and SOLD OUT gala info.

Annnnddd we're off!

FULL classes kick off this week and run through December butting up to our AYO Graduation ceremony and Annual Holiday Party!

I know, I know, I can't believe we're talking about the holidays already, either...

Nestled in there is our first Gala, a couple of community Halloween events, an MYP (Middle Years Program) school assembly, and a presence at Eastern's Homecoming.

We've got a busy season ahead and we're ready to get into it, let's go!

Program Announcements

AYO (All of the Above Youth Organization)

AYO (All of the Above Youth Organization) has been going strong all year long!

As we move into this fall season, new AYO students join the AYO Fellows crew, along with the addition of Alexis Rosado in the educator's seat.

She and Jahshua Smith will collaborate and continue the growth of the AYO program now consisting of this progression: 

  • Fellows

  • Craftsman

  • Griots

  • AOTA Creative

A huge thank you to Jahshua Smith for his care, mindfulness, and support as the AYO Coordinator. He was critical in developing the blueprint of what AYO is becoming as we carved out the path of adding another instructor to the AYO team.

We're all looking forward to this Fall season of expansion and can't wait to see what the future holds for the AYO students.

The Cook Up

If only you could be a fly on the wall to get a view into this special "kitchen."

The magic that occurs at The Cook Up each week between Eastern students, GRIOT teachers, and our Program educators is inspiring, to say the least. 

Here are a few recaps:
First Day Introductions
The Writer's Bench 

They start this month off by DJing, running a booth, and displaying a Style Writing backdrop at the Eastern Homecoming event. PLUS, Eastern's marching band is recreating Breath of the City and will be performing it with the AOTA Griots aka Eastern Alums!

See what we mean? MAGIC!

Youth Programs

This season we are grateful to say that we've teamed back up with REACH Studio of Art to house our Youth BARS, Intro to DJing, and AYO programs. 

Their team has been extremely helpful and has provided a grounding space as we search for our new home over the course of the next few months. 

That's right, WE'RE MOVING!

Stay tuned for updates as we continue to look for our own AOTA home. 

Until then, you'll find us rockin' steady at Everett Dance Studio and REACH.

Community Engagement

Halloween Events

Meet us in the community this month:

  • October 27th: Trick or Treat on the Square on Washington in Downtown Lansing

  • October 28th: Souls to the Polls – Trunk or Treat - Lansing Clerk's Office

AOTA Sneaker Gala is SOLD OUT!

THANK YOU to our partners, sponsors, friends and families for supporting our inaugural Sneaker Gala!!

We are in awe to share that the AOTA Sneaker Gala is officially FULL and SOLD OUT! 

For those of you with tickets and tables, watch for an email next week with details, parking info, and a special note of our gratitude. 

If you missed a chance to get a ticket but would still like to support with a donation, follow the button below. Every penny counts toward keeping AOTA programs barrier-free!

Gala Donations


Team Highlight

DJ KaelyKellz // The Cook Up DJ Educator

DJ KaelyKellz is new to AOTA and adds incredible value to The Cook Up team! 

Students flock to her station. We think it is in huge part because they are drawn to her accepting and peaceful energy and immersive teaching style. She immediately lets them get their hands on the DJ equipment, telling them "Don't be afraid to start!" 

Multiple times over we've heard feedback from our instructors on how much she inspires them to find new ways of connecting with students by trying new practices of their own. 

Thank you Kelz, for being genuinely you and bringing your expertise to the AOTA team! We're lucky to call you a teammate and friend! 

Student Highlight

Youth BARS Gala Performers: Anthony, Zaire, and Ira

Three young leaders right here!
These are three of the 6 performers during the Youth BARS showcase portion of our Sneaker Gala Dinner Party. They have wowed us by stepping up to perform with bravery, confidence, and excitement! 

They have something special planned for you and we can't wait for you to see it! 

Great job, students! You amaze and inspire us! Not just because of your bravery to perform but also because of how encouraging and kind you are to each other in the process!


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

We will never stop saying THANK YOU for your support because our gratitude is ever-present!

Let's continue to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Buy a ticket to the gala, give a one-time gift, or become a monthly donor.

Old school appreciation, new school application.

